We need your help!

Davis High School was giving us a good break on the weekly cost of our rehearsal room, but no more. Our quoted cost has risen so sharply that we simply can’t afford to rehearse there anymore. So far, calls made to find a new rehearsal location in the county have been fruitless and WE NEED YOUR HELP!

The Davis Master Chorale is facing one of three possibilities:

1. We find a place in the county to rehearse that DMC can afford, that can accommodate approx. 75 people, plus piano. Places already ruled out are:

  • Any facility owned by the public school system
  • Any city government building
  • Any facility owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Any public library
  • Conference centers, such as hotels, etc.
  • Private homes due to lack of parking and usually lack of available chairs

Places to consider:

  • Charter/private schools
  • Non-LDS religious buildings (the Christian Academy on Hwy193 has been ruled out)
  • Anywhere else that can accommodate our group

2. We find a sponsor (or two) that is willing to donate about $4K per year (tax deductible) so we can stay where we currently are.

If neither 1 or 2 happens before Labor Day of 2019, we will be left with:

3. The Davis Master Chorale will cease it’s 25 year run and will be dissolved as an organization.

If you have any possible solutions or suggestions for options 1 or 2, PLEASE call either Lyle Cooper, President, or Sue Johnson, 1st Vice President. You may also use the Contact Us form on this website.

Whatever the outcome of the situation, it was decided by the board to go ahead with the Fall Social. It will either ring in a new season, or be our last big bash together as a group. Emails have been sent out with the location, date, and time.


Your Board Members,
Davis Master Chorale